Friday, September 30, 2011

Barton "Family"

John A. Dalles, via PrairieMod
Look familiar?

This Wright-inspired "kit" Prairie house was brought to my attention by way of PrairieMod.  It immediately struck me (despite the mysteries surrounding its designer) as a cousin to Wright's George and Delta Barton House (Buffalo, 1903-04).  

Barton House, Fuermann & Sons, 1907
If this "family resemblance" is valid, there are least three members of the Barton House architectural "family" - the third (or should I say the first?) being the Walser House of Chicago, the model that Darwin D. Martin picked out for his pilot project with Frank Lloyd Wright.

Further research may well identify more scattered members of this extended family - kissing cousins and coattail relatives not directly sired by Wright.


1 comment:

  1. Eric,
    This kit home you mention is the DeRhodes house in South Bend by Frank Lloyd, not a kit house at all. The kit house mentioned by John Dalles is actually in florida and shown elsewhere in his article.
